The MNN Video LIbrary is no longer being updated. You can still find archived episodes of some MNN programs here, or check MNN's section of New episodes of select MNN shows are also available on MNN's YouTube channel.

Self-Determination Arising from Resistance

In this episode of The Laura Flanders Show, author and scholar Dr. Priyamvada Gopal discusses her latest book, Insurgent Empire, which examines a history of abolition and rebellion under colonial rule to demonstrate how these resistance movements served as active participants in their own liberation...

Punto de Vista | Diciembre 5, 2019

En este episodio, Carlos Cabrera tiene como invitada a la abogada Julissa Hernández, Directora de Coordinación Inter-sectorial del Ministerio de la Mujer en la República Dominicana.  Luego, Carlos analiza el caso de la captura del narcotraficante dominicano César "El Abusador" en Colombia y la...

Punto de Vista | Noviembre 21, 2019

En este episodio Carlos Cabrera inicia el programa invitando a los televidentes a la marcha en contra del feminicidio en Nueva York y República Dominicana. Más adelante, conversa con la coach de salud y bienestar, Dulce Mateo, sobre los hábitos alimenticios. Carlos además comenta sobre la política...

Cooperation vs Authoritarianism in Spain

Social change and systems change go hand-in-hand. Movements for democracy and human rights are most effective when they aim to transform unjust, unequitable economic systems. In this episode, Laura travels to Spain to learn how people in two of the regions most brutally repressed under the...

Punto de Vista | Noviembre 14, 2019

Carlos Cabrera entrevista a Rosa García, Jorgelaine Morel, y Bélgica González promotoras de la Marcha Internacional de Mujeres en New York que se realizará el 24 de Noviembre en conmemoración del Día Internacional de la No Violencia Contra la Mujer. En la segunda parte Carlos hace un análisis de la...

Punto de Vista | Noviembre 7, 2019

Carlos Cabrera inicia este episodio hablando sobre recientes casos de protestas en la República Dominicana y NY contra la corrupción gubernamental en el país caribeño.  Al tiempo, hace un recorrido por situaciones similares en países de latino América.  La Dra. Ivelsy Ulerio comparte información...

Punto de Vista | Octubre 31, 2019

Este episodio inicia con una conversación entre el anfitrión Carlos Cabrera y el director y productor de cine Edward Santos, quien comparte su carrera y promociona su más reciente documental "1984: El Otro Abril". Seguido, Carlos tiene como invitado a Hector Pichardo, quien fue voluntario con...

Special Report: Buffalo

Renewable energy, racist redlining, and now possibly a renaissance. The people of Buffalo, New York have seen a lot. In the last century, this was a booming industrial town fueled by a falls and people from all over the planet. But most of the wealth concentrated at the top, and at the end it mostly...

🎉 MNN Spring Updates 🌸🌷🌼

April 20, 2023

We've been hard at work expanding our programming, upgrading our facilities, and finding new ways to get involved with the community. Whether you're a long-time member of the MNN community or someone who's just discovering us for the first time, we have something for everyone this season. Come new...

This Week on MNN

April 13, 2023

This Week on MNN is National Financial Capability Month


Remembering Kwame Brathwaite

April 6, 2023

Kwame Brathwaite, MNN Producer, renowned photographer, and cultural icon passed away on April 1, 2023, leaving behind a legacy that continues to inspire artists and activists alike. Born in Brooklyn, New York, in 1938, Brathwaite was a self-taught photographer who became an integral part of the...