The MNN Video LIbrary is no longer being updated. You can still find archived episodes of some MNN programs here, or check MNN's section of New episodes of select MNN shows are also available on MNN's YouTube channel.

The 2020 Census: Stand And Be Counted!

Today, “Both Sides of the Bars” will discuss the importance of the 2020 Census and what people can do to participate in it. The Fortune Society’s Andre Ward hosts guest Kathleen Daniel, field director of NYC Census 2020, an organizing initiative established to ensure a complete and accurate count of...

How the Diversity Industry is Failing and What We Can Do to Fix It

In an era when companies spend hundreds of millions of dollars on diversity and inclusion programs, the proportion of African Americans in tech, media, and business leadership roles is stagnating. In her new book, Diversity, Inc. The Failed Promise of a Billion-Dollar Business, award-winning...

Gay USA 2/5/2020

"Pete Buttigieg's boom, the State of the Union, and special guest Judith Kasen-Windsor (Edie Windsor's widow)."

Transfer your Premiere Project to DaVinci Resolve for Color Grading

November 16, 2022

If you're a content creator, you know that color grading is essential to achieving the look and feel of your final product. Adobe Premiere is a great tool for video editing, but if you're looking to take your project to the next level, you need to use DaVinci Resolve for color grading. In this blog...

MNN Partners with NYCHA for Summer Youth Media Project

November 14, 2022

Over an 8-week program during the summer of 2022, MNN and the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) partnered to provide media training workshops for NYCHA residents as part of their first-ever Youth Media Project

This Week On MNN

November 10, 2022

This Week on MNN we recognize and celebrate Native American Heritage Month