The Radical Imagination: Spiritual Progressives Imagining What Is To Be Done

What does it mean to be a radical, spiritual progressive?

On this episode of “The Radical Imagination,” host Jim Vrettos of John Jay College of Criminal Justice and Reverend Stephen Phelps discuss this question and explain how spiritual progressives are responding to the 2016 presidential election.

Reverend Stephen Phelps is the former interim senior minister at Riverside Church. Now he focuses on writing and speaking about inner development and social transformation for national blogs, journals and organizations.

Firehouse TV’s “The Radical Imagination” airs every Sunday at 8:00 pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33), MNN’s HD Community Channel (TWC 1993) or streaming live on Catch the repeat every Thursday at 8:00 pm on MNN4 (FiOS 36, RCN 85, TWC 67 & 1998), MNN’s HD Community Channel or streaming live on

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August 1, 2024

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