
December 15, 2019

On this show Dr. Heidi Horsley and Dr. Gloria Horsley discuss with Sherry Cassedy and Faith Freed helpful ideas on getting through a crisis. Sherry is an attorney who has practiced law and mediation for 29 years and currently has a mediation and private judging practice in Palo Alto, CA. She has served as adjunct faculty at Sofia University, and in the Religious Studies Department at Santa Clara University. She has suffered the loss of two nephews and is the bereaved parent of Timothy Sulliv

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About the Program

Open to Hope

The award-winning TV series, "Open to Hope," hosted by Dr. Gloria Horsley and Dr. Heidi Horsley. Each episode will to introduce you to people who have suffered loss and again found hope. Open to Hope is the largest online grief resource in the world with over 1 million visitors a year; we invite you...

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This Week on MNN

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