Are you a media maker who also creates content for podcasts? If not you’re missing out on an expanding medium with a huge audience; 48 million Americans listen to podcasts weekly1. In this post, we’ll discuss some basic information about podcasts that you’ll want to know as a content creator.

What are podcasts?

In short, they are pre-recorded audio segments that are in episodic form. They can be interviews, stories, movie reviews or political commentary. A podcaster may release an episode weekly or daily.

What makes a podcast unique from other forms of media?

Firstly, unlike TV or radio programs, a person can listen to a podcast episode at any time. Secondly, as opposed to reading or watching videos, a podcast audience can listen on the go so they can do other things while taking in content. Lastly, because it allows for a listener to multitask, the audience will stay tuned-in longer and content does not have to be so honed.

30 minutes is a good duration for a podcast, but some can last 3 hours, allowing for much more in-depth discussion and analysis. 80% of podcast listeners will listen to all or most of each episode.

What’s the most important thing to know as a podcaster?

You have to be consistent and prolific. Joe Rogan, one of the biggest podcasters to date, releases 4 to 5 podcasts a week, each averaging 2 hours in duration. His podcasts receive 1.1 billion downloads a year.




The Education Department at MNN will be holding an Introduction to Podcasting workshop on Monday, February 25th from 2pm - 4pm. Visit to register for this and the many other workshops available at MNN.


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