The Radical Imagination: Imagining a World Without Violence and Punishment

From the upcoming presidential election to the Israel/Palestine conflict and beyond, our world is full of people who disagree on what is right. Often these differences in opinion lead to violence and destruction, but what if there was a better way to resolve such controversial issues?

On this episode of “The Radical Imagination,” Host Jim Vrettos of John Jay College of Criminal Justice talks with Dr. Bandy Lee about her research on structural violence, her ideas for creating a more loving world and violence as a public health crisis.

Dr. Bandy Lee is a psychiatrist and an assistant clinical professor at Yale School of Medicine. She is also the co-founder of Yale University's Violence and Health Group, director of Research for the inter-institutional Center for the Study of Violence, speaker to the World Economic Forum, and consultant to UNESCO, the United Nations, and the World Health Organization.

Firehouse TV’s “The Radical Imagination” airs every Sunday at 8:00 pm on MNN1 (TWC 34 & 1995, RCN 82, FiOS 33 orstreaming live) and MNN’s new HD Community Channel (TWC or streaming live). Catch the repeat every Thursday at 8:00 pm on MNN4 (FiOS 36, RCN 85, TWC 67 & 1998 or streaming live) and MNN’s new HD Community Channel (TWC 1993 or streaming live).

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This Week on MNN

May 16, 2024

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