Picture of Community Producer Angele

Originally from France, MNN Community Producer Angele Ventugol-Onyie found out about MNN when she needed to find videographers and editors for her job as an event planner.  While Angele was shooting pictures of her events with her iPhone she quickly came to the realization that “I must do better”. Through her connections with her fellow church goers Angele first heard about MNN. Her friends told her that MNN offered low cost media education classes that would help her accomplish her goals.  

The first class that Angele took at MNN was Field Production with Sony Z-150 cameras. This class helped Angele improve her shooting skills. Then Angele took MNN’s Editing with Adobe Premiere class so that she could assemble the images she made with the Z-150 into a well told story. Currently Angele can be found in MNN’s Studio Production class where she is becoming fluent in the language of studio production. 

All of the hard work that Angele has done in class has lead to the production of her first television program, which aired on MNN on Martin Luther King Day, called The Princess Angele Show: Modern Slavery Beyond Borders. The show focussed on the horrible problem of Human Trafficking. Now that Angele has one show under her belt she has been approved for a bi-weekly series that will begin when MNN’s Spring Broadcast Schedule goes into effect.  

Angele’s advice to someone interested in getting involved with MNN is: “Make sure you really want to do this and just jump! Don’t miss any classes. It’s not always easy! You must be consistent, come to labs. If you really want it badly, you can do it”! Angele has fulfilled her goal, she is clearly, “doing better”.

Manhattan Neighborhood Network offers an array of classes, workshops, and events. Visit www.mnn.org/education to learn how to get involved. 

High quality, low cost media education classes in NYC help MNN Community Producer “Do Better”!